Late last week the Senate President, Troy Jackson and the Speaker of the. House Ryan Fecteau sent a memo to members of the 130th Maine Legislature waiving the newspaper advertising of public hearings. Beginning on Monday, April 26, 2021 advertising public hearings in the newspaper are waived for all bills that are not yet advertised and for any bills that are referred to committees on or after that date. All public hearing notices will continue to be posted on the Legislature’s website and sent to the interested parties as promptly as possible.


The deadline for voting all bills that are referred to committee is Friday, May 7th, and the deadline for reporting out all bills referred to committee is Friday, May 21st. MEMA reviews and monitors each bill and flags the ones that impact our membership each week. Released as of the last Legislative Update are the following bills. Please be sure to reach out with feedback on any bills that catch your attention. Bills 1 through 1561 have been printed to date.


Legislative Alert-Call to Action

Flavored Tobacco Ban & Tobacco Tax Increase


The Maine legislature has recently printed two bills tobacco-related, that would hurt MEMA’s retail members’ businesses. The first is a ban on the sale of all flavored tobacco including menthol cigarettes, mint/wintergreen smokeless, flavored cigars and flavored vape. The second is a doubling of the tax on a pack of cigarettes from $2 to $4, and a doubling of the OTP tax.


MEMA is working with a group of stakeholders to oppose these bills but needs YOUR HELP.


Flavored tobacco ban

  • LD 1550 (click here) would prohibit you from selling any type of flavored tobacco including menthol cigarettes.
  • Click here for talking points if you prefer to make a phone call to your Representative and Senator.



Tax Increase

  • LD 1423 (click here) would increase the excise tax on a pack of cigarettes from $2 to $4 per pack, and double the excise tax on all OTP.
  • Click here for talking points if you prefer to make a phone call to your Representative and Senator.


NEW Bills flagged for MEMA:

LD 1544            An Act Regarding Credit and Debit Card Merchant Fees

This bill excludes the amount of state and local taxes and fees from the amount on which an interchange fee is charged for an electronic payment transaction such as a credit card or debit card transaction.


LD 1550            An Act To End the Sale of Flavored Tobacco Products
This bill prohibits the sale and distribution of flavored tobacco products, including flavored cigars and electronic smoking devices.


LD 1554            An Act To Provide Climate Change Transition Assistance for Maine’s Energy-intensive Businesses
This bill creates the Industrial Climate Transition Fund administered by the Efficiency Maine Trust that uses revenue from the sale of carbon dioxide allowances to provide loans to energy-intensive manufacturers and other businesses to become more efficient and use less energy in their operations.  The loan is forgivable if after 5 years the number of employees of the fund recipient is substantially the same or more than the number of employees of the recipient when the loan was received.


LD 1556            Resolve, To Create the Commission To Study and Recommend a Financing Model To Increase Capital Investment in Renewable Energy, Clean Energy Technology, Energy Efficiency Projects and Jobs in Maine
This resolve establishes the Commission To Study and Recommend a Financing Model To Increase Capital Investment in Renewable Energy, Clean Energy Technology, Energy Efficiency Projects and Jobs in Maine.  The commission is required to conduct an analysis of the unmet need for capital and to examine and recommend financing models to increase capital investment in renewable energy, clean energy technology, energy efficiency projects and jobs in Maine, including recommending an organizational entity that can support the financing model.  The commission is required to submit a report, including suggested legislation, by December 1, 2021 for presentation to the Second Regular Session of the 130th Legislature.


LD 1559            Resolve, To Create the Commission To Develop a Paid Family and Medical Leave Benefits Program
This resolve establishes the Commission To Develop a Paid Family and Medical Leave Benefits Program.  It requires the State Controller to transfer $200,000 from available balances in Other Special Revenue Funds accounts within the Department of Professional and Financial Regulation to the General Fund unappropriated surplus to support the duties of the commission.



  • Address your testimony to the Committee of jurisdiction as well as the Senate and House Chairs of that Committee.
  • I am writing in opposition/support to LD XXXX.
  • Introduce yourself, your business.



  • Choose public hearing
  • Committee – Labor & Housing
  • Select the Date (Monday, April 12)
  • Select the LD #
  • Check the box ‘I would like to present my testimony live’ to present it over Zoom


Upcoming Public Hearings and Work Sessions

Monday, April 26, 2021

Environment and Natural Resources at 9:00 AM (Public Hearing)
LD 1367 An Act To Create a Grant Program To Promote Innovation in Municipal Carbon Reduction Initiatives
This bill establishes the Maine Municipal Carbon Reduction Initiatives Program for the purpose of providing competitive grants for towns and cities to help fund technology and innovation projects that will reduce carbon emissions and that are in line with Maine’s climate action plan.

LD 1467 An Act To Promote a Circular Economy through Increased Post-consumer Recycled Plastic Content in Plastic Beverage Containers
This bill provides that, beginning January 1, 2026, a manufacturer of beverages in plastic beverage containers may not sell, offer for sale or distribute for sale in the State a plastic beverage container unless the total number of plastic beverage containers sold, offered for sale or distributed for sale in the State by that manufacturer contains, on average and in the aggregate, at least 25% post-consumer recycled plastic.  That post-consumer recycled plastic requirement increases to 30% post-consumer recycled plastic beginning January 1, 2031.  The bill also requires the Department of Environmental Protection to administer and enforce these provisions and authorizes the department to assess administrative penalties against a noncompliant manufacturer based on the weight, in pounds, of plastic beverage containers sold by that manufacturer that are not in compliance.


Education at 1:00 PM (Work Session)
LD 313 An Act To Advance Career and Technical Education Opportunities in Maine
This bill is a concept draft pursuant to Joint Rule 208. This bill proposes to create a process that allows all high school students, including freshmen and sophomores, to explore their interest in career and technical education. Beginning with a student’s freshman year, hours in class will count toward the hourly requirement to enroll in career and technical education, which is currently 350 hours of class time.  By allowing so-called “drop-in” students to try out different skill areas, the bill will enable the State to create a realistic picture of student interest and the programs needed to meet those interests and to develop a comprehensive program to fulfill workforce needs.

Tuesday, April 27, 2021:

Health Coverage, Insurance and Financial Services at 10:00 AM (Public Hearing)

LD 1544 An Act Regarding Credit and Debit Card Merchant Fees
This bill excludes the amount of state and local taxes and fees from the amount on which an interchange fee is charged for an electronic payment transaction such as a credit card or debit card transaction.

Wednesday, April 28, 2021-HOUSE AND SENATE IN SESSION